Ethnic Identity and Its Effects on Feeling Social Exclusion (Case study: Arabs in Ahwaz city)

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA of sociology, Shahied Chamran University

2 Associate professor of sociology, Shahied Chamran University


ethnic identity, the basic concepts in the Humanities and social, especially societies in transition and condition values variety and complexity, as well as other social facts which are influenced by various factors, various spheres of individual and social life is to impress. Exclusion only at meaning driving or being driven by another individual or group community, but there are various forms of exclusion; some cannot be seen but felt, finally, some completely hidden forms we even its existence we cannot guess the proportion word for it not determination and indicating. This includes the essence of the social psychology and cultural of ethnic identity and feeling exclusion effects, which play an active role ethnic group and adjudication their periphery their ethnic identity pays. For the study, the hypothesis was put to the test and quantitative attitude adopted. The Arab people of Khuzestan as the population sample size of 384 observed. Results from test research hypotheses shown the variables of ethnic prejudice, ethnic, sectarian attitude to the norms of inverse and significant relationship with the criterion variables have.


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