The Explanation of Religious Components in the Political Culture of the Iranian Society after the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Iran Broadcasting University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran


Considering that Iranian society has long been a religious community, it should be considered the contribution of religion in the political culture of the country, especially in the years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution as one of the main sources of culture. In other words, most of the theoretical bases, beliefs and beliefs and traditions of political culture in the Islamic Republic of Iran are formed in the context of the history and social life of the Iranian religious community, and this determines the part of the patterns of Iranian cultural and political behavior and behavior in Iran; Previously politics and political power, and in particular the acceptance, critique, or negation of the existing political system, whether domestic or international. In this article, which has been written using descriptive-analytical approach and documentary style, it attempts to explain and operational the components and effects of religious culture in the political culture of the Iranian society in the Islamic Republic of Iran in two areas. The results of the research show that in the field of internal testimony, existentialism, anticipation, promiscuity and in the external arena of jihad and the alienation of religious symbols and effects in the political culture of the Iranian society is considered.


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