Resistance Economics Discoursee

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Faculty Member and Director of Communication Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


The first step in developing and promoting a resilient economy in the society is the awareness and understanding of the strength of the economy that takes place through discourse in the society. The media can provide a discursive space between the people and the government, invite people to participate in the public discussions and even turning them into a popular demand from government officials. Despite the fact that it has been a long time since the announcement of the general guidelines of resistance economics, there is still no debate on the importance of the functioning and role of the media among the experts.
This is anticipated in Article 21 of the General Resistance Policy, which states that "the definition of the dimensions of the resistance economics and its discourse, especially in the scientific, educational and media environments, and its transformation into a national and inclusive national discourse is necessary".
For this purpose, the author conducted content analysis of economic news released in year 1394 in 23 news agencies and news sites. The findings indicate that news agencies and news-analytical sites have published concepts such as Resistance Economics", "Reforming and Strengthening the Financial System", "Knowledge Based Economics", "Diplomacy in the Service of Economic Purposes", "Production of Strategic Products" , "Observation of the Sanctions Program", "Public Participation in Economics", "Economic Transparency", "Entrepreneurship Development" and "Strengthening Jihadist Culture in Economics" with more frequency, and have produced more content in these areas


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