Qualitative analysis and classification of the causes of socio-economic damages sustainability and underdevelopment of Darvazeh Ghar neighborhood

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate in Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Islamic Republic of Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran


The study of social harms along with their causes, as well as methods of prevention and treatment of these phenomena, is included in the study of social pathological conditions; Because the main origin of social harms should be sought in the whole of social life and specific types of human relations. Socio-economic disorders like poverty, inflation, high prices, etc provide a favorable environment for various types of social harms. Therefore, the concept of pathology is widespread. Harandi neighborhood is one of the neighborhoods in the south of Tehran that despite its long historical and even socio-economic background, today has become one of the most problematic neighborhoods of Tehran and can be referred to as an abandoned neighborhood. Despite the cross-sectional interventions that have been carried out in the Harandi neighborhood - mainly at the physical level - there are still obvious and hidden social harms in this neighborhood. The existence of worn-out and old tissue, all kinds of disordered families, conflicts and quarrels, etc. all show the unhealthy situation of this urban neighborhood. The main purpose of this study is to explain the pathology of the causes of the sustainability of social and economic injuries in the Darvazeh Ghar neighborhood of Tehran, during the 10 years ending in 2009. Also, in this study the continuing conditions of social and economic damage in the Darvazeh Ghar neighborhood of Tehran, the contexts of social and economic damage in this neighborhood, and the consequences of social and economic damage in that are explained.
