A Study on Disadvantages and Negative Aspects of Instagram Social Media

Document Type : Original Article


Sociology, Central Tehran Azad University, Tehran, Iran


A Study on Disadvantages and Negative Aspects of Instagram Social Media

The present paper aims at analyzing the disadvantages and negative aspects of Instagram social media in Iran. Using the Grounded Theory, the researcher has semantically reconstructed the pathology of Instagram through conducting interviews with key informants and observing Instagram pages. The research questions are as follows: which theoretical model explains the negative aspects of Instagram from the perspective of key informants? What are the factors that have caused such negative effects? The results reveal that the absolute freedom in using Instagram has led some account owners to employ unethical methods to gain followers. Consequently, the prevalence of such behaviors will negatively influence our culture. Also, the results of this study show that factors such as the weakness of the educational system, lack of appropriate entertainment, and the weakness of the laws had an effective role in creating this phenomenon.
Keywords: Social media, Instagram, Grounded Theory, cultural damage.


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