The Impact of Social Networks on Women's Body Management in Iran from the perspective of experts:Instagram Case Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 associate professor of Tarbiat modares University

2 Phd in Political Science from Allame tabatabaie


Today, among women around the world, especially women in Iran, attention and body management has increased and women seek to build a social body by changing the appearance of their body; That is, a body that, in appearance, makeup, and clothing, accepts the cultural and social expectations that are propagated by the media. In Iran, statistics on the use of cosmetics, grueling diets and cosmetic surgeries confirm this. In Iran, statistics on the use of cosmetics, grueling diets and cosmetic surgeries confirm this. On the other hand, in the process of body management, various media, including social networks, play an important role. Instagram is one of these networks that has been able to affect women's bodies due to its easy access and video. This research seeks to answer the question of what dimensions of Instagram affect the body of women and what are the solutions to deal with it? To answer this question, Delphi method and Shannon technique were used. Therefore, the views of 10 political and social science experts were collected. The findings showed that the most important dimensions of women's bodies that are under Instagram are from the category of "sports-health" dimensions, and after that, the category of "cosmetic" dimensions; "Beauty" and "covering" are located. Also, this research seeks to provide effective solutions to deal with these effects.
