An analysis of the functional status of private research institutes in Iran.

Document Type : Original Article


Policy Evaluation and STI Monitoring Department, National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP); Tehran;Iran



An analysis of the functional status of private research institutes in Iran
In Iran, in terms of organizational affiliation, various research institutions play a role in the national innovation system, and despite the increasing rate of formation of institutions, there are ambiguities surrounding their functions, which can be attributed to the obstacles and challenges of their progress. considered in this research, while emphasizing the distinct and common features of research institutions, the status of private research institutions has been investigated and analyzed from various dimensions such as the status of establishment license, geographical and structural distribution, as well as the field of activity, etc. This research is a type of applied research that studies and examines private research institutes with a descriptive-analytical approach. The applied research tool consists of dimensions and evaluation indicators of these institutions. Considering the necessity of correct orientation of research institutions in the chain of wealth creation and influencing the country's economy, it seems that one of the most important actions is to define the organizational structure and subsequently the organization that supports the expected functions of these institutions.
