Public social supervision system based on the traditions and traditions of the innocent

Document Type : Original Article


Research Deputy of Semnan Seminary Management Center



Systematic processing of the social control mechanism and systematic monitoring in the words and deeds of the Innocents, peace be upon them, as a basic principle, will advance the goals of an Islamic society. Understanding the way of such control from the side of Imam and the epistemic and systematic tools of its formation and correct application will play a role in the advancement of society and even social institutions. This research was done with the aim of identifying and introducing these components and using descriptive exploratory method and referring to Islamic sources and sociology. The result is that with social control, targeted cases are set and the results are checked so that wrong activities can be identified from correct activities and the necessary corrections can be made to achieve the goal. Every social control and supervision, from the point of view of Imam words and actions, consists of components, which are under the general social control problem in four main branches: supervision of society members over each other, supervision of society members over managers, supervision of managers over individuals Community and supervision of managers and officials can be realized. Managers' supervision over the people of their society is realized in two modes of open social control (directly and indirectly), covert or covert social control. According to the point of view of the narrations, in order to realize each of the above types correctly, one should use the appropriate tool for the same type.


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