Comparative study of science promotion categories and topics in cyberspace; A case study of Iranian, American and Malaysian websites

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran University, Iran



The present study seeks to know the approaches of science promotion in virtual media. The main question of this research is what are the approaches used in promoting scientific content in virtual space? The purpose of research is to show the system of new topics in new media. In this research, 15 selected sites from America, Malaysia, and Iran have been studied and compared. The analysis method of this research is qualitative content analysis with a comparative approach. In the current research, the unit of analysis is "website". Websites that each have specific approaches in the field of popular science promotion. "Meaning" unit is also a set of images, words or sentences in which one can find a connection of similar and identical meanings and categorize them based on the meaning.
The results of this study show that the promotion of science in the media, based on categories such as; The topics are agriculture and environment, indigenous culture and knowledge, health, healthcare and treatment, tourism, entrepreneurship and self-employment, and media literacy. In the meantime, attention to local culture and knowledge has been more on Iranian sites and some Malaysian sites than on American sites. However, it can be said that the tendency to promote modern science in all categories is greater among American and Malaysian sites.


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