Japan's policies in the face of population aging: Lessons for Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of East, South Asia and Pacific, Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran

2 Master of Japanese Studies

3 Associate Professor, Department of Demography, School of Social Sciences, University of Tehran



The experience of population aging in Japan and the effectiveness of various policies implemented in this country have important lessons for population aging in the next two decades in Iran. This experience shows that firstly, the implementation of the policy of increasing the fertility rate after reaching a minimum level is more complicated than expected and probably ineffective. Such an issue led to the reform of Japan's policy and the adoption of approaches for a society independent of people's age. This means that people of any age can play an active role in society with their maximum ability. The second lesson is the influence of the nation's historical memory on their future policies and how governments deal with past experiences in making future decisions. Applying mixed and multifaceted policies is also one of the lessons that can be learned from Japan's experience. The last lesson is how Japan approaches in identifying cultural barriers and using social programs along with financial and economic incentives. Numerous examples and experiences have been discussed in detail in this research.
Using the demographic data available in the United Nations data banks, Statistical Center of Iran and the first-hand documents published by the Japanese government in the databases of the relevant institutions, the demographic indicators of Iran and Japan, a country which turned into a super-aged society at the fastest speed, and according to many analysts in this field, it has used a variety of effective policies to deal with this phenomenon were compare.


Main Subjects

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