Arbaeen walking rituals and its effect on the strength of national identity in the Arabic-speaking society of Khuzestan (a data-based theory)

Document Type : Original Article


عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه اصفهان



This research has been conducted with the aim of understanding the understanding of Khuzestan Arab-speaking elites and socio-political activists in the mechanism of the proper impact of the Arbaeen walk on social solidarity and strengthening the national identity of Khuzestan Arab-speakers. And the researcher has collected the data using in-depth interviews with 30 Arab-speaking elites and socio-political activists. Findings: Using nearly 260 primary codes, the researcher extracted eight codes focused on the structure of the opportunity of poverty alleviation and deprivation. "Experienced sense of deprivation" "Preparation of cognitive space from Arab speakers" "Removal of cynicism and Arabphobia" "Arba'in identity-building paradigm" "Stronger national identity" has been extracted and then compiled the story of the narrative. Conclusion: The story of the narrative shows that The Arbaeen walk has had a positive effect on strengthening national identity and increasing social solidarity and reducing ethnocentrism among Arab-speakers, and they consider the Arbaeen walk as an opportunity to de-privilege and remove Arab-phobia and strengthen social capital.


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